Obstetrician-gynaecologists are physicians who possess special knowledge,
skills and professional capability in the medical and surgical care of the female
reproductive system and associated disorder.
Inpatient surgical procedures include hysterectomies performed vaginally,
abdominally and laparoscopically . Obstetrical procedures include cervical
cerclage, dilation and curretage, amniocentesis, caesarean section, uterine polypus forcep myoma instruments circumcision,forceps and vacuum deliveries.
Surtex instruments manufacturers a complete range of gynaecology instruments
including but not limited to vaginal speculums, endocervical speculums, uterine dilators, uterine sounds, uterine depressors, uterine polypus forceps, uterine
seizing forceps, uterine currettes, tenaculum forceps, myoma instruments, fistula instruments, cervical biopsy punches and IUD instruments.
Obstetrician-gynaecologists consistently recommend Surtex Instruments to their
colleagues due to our reputation for quality instruments and aftercare service for
our products.
Obstetrician-gynaecologists are physicians who possess special knowledge, skills
and professional capability in the medical and surgical care of the female
reproductive system and associated disorder.
Inpatient surgical procedures include hysterectomies performed vaginally,
abdominally and laparoscopically. Obstetrical procedures include cervical cerclage,
dilation and curretage, amniocentesis, Caesarean section, circumcision, and
forceps and vacuum deliveries.
Surtex instruments manufacturers a complete range of gynaecology instruments
including but not limited to pelvimeters, obstetrical forceps, obstetrical levers,
uterine clamps, placenta and ovum forceps, placenta scoops, perforators,
decapitating hooks, basiotribes and cranioclasts and umbilical cord clamps.
Obstetrician-gynaecologists consistently recommend Surtex Instruments to their
colleagues due to our reputation for quality instruments and aftercare service for
our products.